Tech Green


Planning for the infrastructure needs and requirements of Canadians has always been a cornerstone to Concord. Being Canada's first urban community builder, Concord was also the first to offer fibre-optic Internet to all its community and the first to provide 220v charging stations in Canadian high-rise residential development to accommodate future electric car demands.

Concord Green Energy was created to explore and support a variety of zero carbon energy-producing projects of scale. Energy considerations and solutions will be significant to the success of sustainable communities in the future.

A COMMUNITY BUILT FOR THE FUTUREReducing Demand and Reinventing Green Energy Technology and Infrastructure

The two largest demands of everyday energy consumption come from temperature control and personal transportation. In an ideal world, these demands would only be supported with sustainable green energy power sources.

Recognizing that personal modes of transportation are inevitable, Concord supports car share programs and has pioneered EV infrastructure in most of its new developments. In fact, Concord was the first to provide quick-charge EV car parking stalls to a multi-family residential tower in Canada.

By design, our urban master-planned communities drastically reduce dependence on transportation and optimize personal heating energy consumption. The shared walls and ceilings of a condo tower are more conducive to energy-saving than a single family home. In addition, intelligent thermostats in all new Concord homes optimizes energy efficiency by learning the temperature you prefer when home, and then adjusting the temperature when you leave. The technology even learns how your home heats or cools, so it only uses the energy it needs, saving you money and lowering the carbon footprint of your building.

Concord homes are planned with space optimizing measures, such as LIV Interiors Smart Design storage solutions in all kitchens, bathrooms, and closets. The efficiency achieved with careful space-planning and energy-saving measures will ensure your home and your community is sustainable for the future.